Burn Baby, Burn!

We should be proud - as a community we have stuck together and discussed various proposals. Nole and I have been chatting a bit since the HNS v2 proposal and collecting input from many of you.

The main point, it seems there is a strong enough opposition to it from people in the community to reflect on that and put up other proposals.

One of the more popular - but never written out - proposals is to just burn it all. When people tell me about this as being an option - I tell them - don’t just chat about it -write it up.

Well - Nole wrote it up!

In this discussion, number 69, Nole outlines it


I’d encourage you to check it all out - but will take some of the highlights:

Burning (Remove from Circulation) The Unclaimed Github Airdrop

This has been the discussion for years now - this massive Github airdrop which only about 3% has been claimed - what to do with it.

The previous proposal we shared on SkyInclude as to re-allocate it.

But this proposal says to “burn” it - which is technically to remove it from circulation or possible circulation. This is approximately 890 Million HNS coins.

Re-Enable Name Claims of Alexa 1k + ICANN TLDs

In the last soft fork, the name claim had to be disabled, and a hard fork is required to be done.

This would allow Alexa’s top 1,000 names to be claimed (again, disabled since soft fork), and ICANN TLDs.

Reducing TLD renewals from 600 to 200 per block

To increase competition for renewals, instead of 600 TLDs being able to be renewed in 1 block, it would be reduced to 200 TLDs to be able to be renewed per block.

This is a 2 year “heart beat” that is required to ensure the owner is still alive and active in the ecosystem.

Enabling ReRecord (On Chain Records)

This was a proposal we at SkyInclude gathered together from the community - to allow TLDs to have A and AAAA records on chain so that it doesnt need to be pointed to any other servers.

You can read about that on, and watch the video, at https://skyinclude.com/rerecord


Matt Zipkin had been saying with these proposals - do we have a developer to actually put it in place? So Nole and I collected information:

Nole spoke with Nodar who said if the community has consensus on this and if Namebase permits him to (he is currently employed there) then he can help implement these changes.

To further complete the proposal, Matt Zipkin gave an outline of a JD of someone we’d need if Nodar can’t get to it, which is on the proposal.

Discussion on Handshake.Mastermind space


Main point we are working as a community and listening and iterating. That is my favorite part.

We will be making individual polls for each of these points on Twitter soon.

Skyinclude’s Position on this Proposal

Our stance On this proposal -

For burn - there is too much pushback on a reallocation. Core devs such as Nodar and Zipkin are opposed to any reallocation and imagine miners would be too. The tech and the infrastructure are built first for the developers and maintained by the miners - we are the users and need to respect the foundation of tech and upkeep we are built on.

For Alexa 1k + ICANN TLD for claim again, releasing Alexa 1001-10k for auction. But against too much HNS coin allocated to that Alexa 1k + ICANN TLD, they had 4+years to claim that coin, give them enough now to renew for 100+ years.

For “ReRecord” and having DNS records on the TLD root / on-chain. This will add a lot of direct utility for names and give more transactions. Those who want to still point to name servers and do off-chain or elsewhere can still do so. Happy our https://rerecord.skyinclude.com was included here.

For fee renewal and reducing block size from 600 to 200 - have we done math on this? I’d just want to be careful that WHEN (not IF) we get mass adoption, we become another “expensive Ethereum L1” and people are complaining about high fees. Or is this “relatively easy to adjust” later? For now it is acceptable, but if we are a global root zone this may become costly for those in international markets.