Where to Buy Handshake (HNS) Coin?
Guide To Investing in $HNS
As Handshake ($HNS) continues its climb - in both awareness, adoption, and value - more and more people are asking these groups in telegram groups, discord, Reddit - etc
❝ Where to buy Handshake coin? ❞
❝ Can I swap this on ETH, what is contract address? ❞
Answers To How To Buy HNS Coin
So let’s get into this!
DISCLOSURE - investing in anything has its risk, and while SkyInclude is extremely positive in the forecast of HNS - please do your due diligence, diversify, and only invest in what you can lose. We also believe this is a coin to buy and hold for the long term.
This HNS Coin Is Its Own Blockchain
The Handshake blockchain is a fork of bcoin, and it is not a coin you can swap as an ERC20.
You can mine HNS (check our guide on mining HNS) or, of course, you can buy it on the market.
Check CoinGecko or Nomics For Current Markets
What we often do when looking to enter a trade of a cryptocurrency is to check CoinGecko (Or Nomics)
Here’s the links to those
And a screenshot

Look For Ones With High Volume (Or You Have Existing Account on)
Now, once you see the various markets HNS is trading on, you can choose these 2 ways
1) One with high volume. Because this coin is still undervalued and underappreciated - it is not on major exchanges (YET) - but this is a reason why there is a huge upside (in our opinion, not financial advice) so find a market that has high volume that you can get into.
2) A crypto market you already have an account and KYC on. - The other choice, of course, is to see a market exchange that you already have been using for other Crypto coins. MXC, Hotbit, Gate are the main ones.
Note for US Citizens
For US citizens, crypto is still a bit of a challenge. For Handshake - Americans are mainly only given the option to buy on Namebase (We have a full guide on it here) - at the market rate they give you (Cannot use Namebase Pro) in Bitcoin.
We hope Americans are given equal opportunity to crypto like humans around the world. But until then, buy on Namebase with bitcoin.
OTC (Over The Counter)
Not exactly a “way” but you can do a personal trade with trusted counterparties. You can join a Telegram group - such as
HandshakeTalk - by Steve McKie
And put in a request to buy or sell.
Of course - this is high risk - as the buyer/seller may not deliver their coin or swap currency. So do it only with those you can trust.
Other Option - Start Mining!!!
There are more and more solutions for mining HNS - and many believe it is the next bitcoin.
Check this video clip!