Deeper Dive on Browser Integration (DNS)

This is a continuation from the Integrations post - and Derrick Hammer stepped up to give us more technical insights on how browser integration works, and how to integrate into browsers more for Handshake.

In this video, we will go through major parts of the thought process, the technical requirements, and the reality of mass adoption for Handshake and other web3 domain names, to resolve natively in major web browsers.

Ways to integrate browsers to domain names.

What are the ways to integrate?

1. API?
2. Blockchain?
3. Resolver?


IPFS is a bittorrent filesystem.
So it is like seeding in bittorrent. And if your not seeding it, then no one can download (aka rug pull)

It’s why things like sia or arweave matter. they all have their spot in web3

IPFS, Sia, Arweave

Rug Pulling on IPFS Pinning?

Please see second tweet (below). The inconsistency is in what buyers were told and/or assumed. I know how IPFS works, but did the buyers? Caveat emptor may not help if enough feel rug was pulled.
brandan tweet

How NOT to do it (Centralized) + Why?

What is so “bad” about being centralized anyway?

What is NOT decentralized DNS - Unstoppable’s integration w/ Brave Browser

What is NOT decentralized DNS

Recommended way for web3 domains (Handshake + others) to do it

DNS server

EPP, protocol of registry system, management of ICANN domains through centralized databases
(like Gateway registrar was, built by EPP software expert - James)
To PowerDNS.

HIP005 - to pointer where to go for resolver of that HNS TLD (ethereum) / ergo, polygon, etc blockchain
Then - which smart contract, which protocol / network to talk to.
Fingertip and Lumeweb have modules/plugins for managing that network/domain/blockchain.
Get IP / content hash

RPC - ie metamask talking to API to get the data to find the website content / info.

Host file is simple principle

How to do this decentralized

Distributed vs Decentralized.

Decentralized mean

Distributed means - multiple servers - multiple locations - for scaling to handle the load. If all under the same person - not decentralized

This is blockchain if not the same people - and using consensus . (trustless)

P2P - peer to peer - pubkey

Dealing with Naming Collisions

Lumeweb (his project) will deal with this in a simplistic way.

Chain owned TLDs vs private TLDs.

1 blockchain = 1 TLD.

Social consensus and network effect. To agree who owns what.

Differences of web3 and dWeb

Derrick gives us insight

Web3 = dweb + economy

Dweb = peer to peer.

Preview on Lume

Derrick gives us some insights on the project he is working on.