Dename by FXWallet: Decentralized Handshake TLD Marketplace
Bear markets is where builders build - and for sure this is happening in the Handshake decentralized community. Beautiful to see amazing products popping up like weeds.
Today we are talking about a new (at least for me?) decentralized Handshake TLD marketplace called
It's in ALPHA for sure, so when you use it - please remember that. Took me a while to figure it out and I am sure more tweaks and updates will be coming.
If you are an older user of (like I was - back when it was - you’ll need to update to their latest mobile app.
Best for me to show you in a demo (Taking out my phone now as it is mobile only)
Dename Web Version
Tweet announcing web version
HNS Fans! We are pleased to announce our new product——Dename, the web version of Domain Auction&Market is NOW ONLINE!
Come and get your loved domain.
#HNS #handshake #domainauction #domain

After Mike’s name settled (Finalized) - Process to List for Sale
Can also see it on-chain at:
And see the listing on at :

Bid, complete