Dweb 101 - Introduction to the Decentralized Web

Oh, the dweb (decentralized web) – coined by Steve McKie – I first heard about in a Clubhouse call, and many others have been resonating around it instead of using the Web3 naming – as Web3 seems to bee more based around the ETH / Ethereum protocol only.

A new Youtube channel popped up and – like many in the community – are tryin to stay anonymous. The voices makes me think of the ShakeDex demo at Handycon with his / her funny voice over.

Here’s the video from DWeb ASAP on youtube:

BUT the voice is HARD to listen to – and we saw the post in various Handshake Telegram groups and offered to help make a makeover with my voice.

The sliders have been shared and they allowed me to do this. Not all of the video and presentation is in this version, as there are some points I’d rather not be associated with – but the first few slides are very helpful for people to understand.

Evolution of the internet in 3 stages
Web 1, Web 2, Web 3 (or dWeb)

Comparing Web 2 to Web 3 Products and services
A great breakdown from a research slide.

Where we are in Web3 / dWeb
Another great slide showing the 3 stages of the decentralized internet, where we are now in early 2021, and where we are going.

After those 3 slides, you can head over to the original youtuber – and listen (but FYI the voice is a bit funny)

Just some amazing info that I thought needs more exposure.

Download the slides here!