Handshake Halving Countdown
The halvening has been a #HNSfam topic for months and it has finally come.
We invite all #Handshake directors and enthusiasts to attend the online celebration. Share your $hns story and network.
Register for FREE at http://Skyinclude.com/hns-halving
#HNS #CryptoMining #domains #dweb

What Time Does it happen? We open at block 169,994
We are aiming to have the party about 1 hour before it happens - the halvening happens at 170,000 - and if we assume each block is about 10 minutes, that means 1 hour before is approximately block 169,994
You can see current block on any HNS block explorer - such as https://e.hnsfans.com - which as
I type this, we are at block 169,950 - so need 50 more blocks (approximately 500 minutes or 8.333 hours)

So see you at block 169,994 on our Airmeet HNS Halving Party !