Infura Metamask Centralized API Now Monitoring Your Wallet & Location

The trust vector of RPCs is precisely why Handshake is designed as a standalone blockchain optimized for light client domain resolution.
DotTheShake infura tweet

Matt Zipkin helped us understand why Handshake was made with a light client in mind:
(for this EXACT reason!!!!)

Original news tweet TheShake shared:

.@ConsenSys just updated its privacy policy to show that when you send a transaction with @infura_io as your default RPC provider in @MetaMask, Infura will collect your IP address and wallet address 👀🤔

Solution - Change RPC Client on Metamask From Infura (or use VPN)

In the article above, the quote says:
“However, if you’re using your own Ethereum node or a third-party RPC provider with MetaMask, then neither Infura nor MetaMask will collect your IP address or Ethereum wallet address.”

To change your RPC

But to run a full ethereum node is a massive undertaking! (why no light clients??)

The other way is a VPN (virtual private network)

If you do the VPN option, note that a VPN only disrupts the collection of location data and not wallet addresses.