Join Our New Handshake Mercenary Forum, Buy/Sell/Trade/Barter Handshake Domain Names
So the team at SkyInclude has been monitoring what tools to help the community more and talking to a lot of people in the community
An easy way to
List your Handshake names, on a single page or a series of pages - for others to see and download or search
A place for others to submit prices to you and to get suggestions on a price to sell your domain name for
Connect with others directly and freely.
So this is what Handshake.mercenary is built for!
A free site, on a HNS domain .mercenary/ - you can head over to mercenary.hns.to or direct type in handshake.mercenary
Sorry if you do not have a HNS resolver - GET ONE! Isn’t the whole point of being in the Handshake community to spread and use more HNS use cases?
So sorry - no DNS clone of this site, while you can use handshake.mercenary.hns.to - it will only be to browse the sites - not to login and post. We think it is because the domain is not the same (handshake.mercenary.hns.to vs the real domain handshake.mercenary)
Head over to https://mercenary.hns.to to get started.
Signup, and post for free.
Direct message others
Share your Telegram, Discord, whatever.
Link to Namebase to sell the domain
Or trade with others by gifting it and others gifting to you (honor system)
We at SkyInclude “seeded” it with a couple of our domains to show as an example:
List a portfolio
So we have a bunch of fun sequential emoji domains - instead of making a single forum post for each one - we simply made a title that says (portfolio) and Emoji sequential domains. We literally copy/pasted the names from our domain manager in Namebase to make it as fast and easy as possible.
List a specific name
Of course you can simply list a single TLD Handshake domain.
List a “theme” of names
Another case is where we have the same emoji but for both puny codes (the squinting smiley face with tongue out) There is some conflict in the puny codes, so we invested in both versions (not sure if there is moree)
The possibilities are endless.
You don’t have to use this to buy/sell.
The possibilities are open. You can ask others to give a price suggestion.
You can ask for people to partner
Even sell SLDs.
A Free Resource From SkyInclude to the Handshake Community
This was a way to say thank you to the Handshake (HNS) community -
But it needs your help!
Signup, post some (or all) of your domain names
Go to mercenary/ (or here for DNS) and choose HNS or DNS.
HNS is where you can signup and interact
DNS is if you want to just browse around.
Feedback is welcome and we are here to help you. Let’s make more connections and business deals and relationships to get Handshake to the next level.