A Better Way To Gift Handshake Names – HNS Name Claim

We had the Handshake monthly director call and the recording will be out soon – but in the meantime – a top announcement was from Mark Smith at Namesake Domains – he and Graham launched HNS Name Claim.

Check it out at https://hnsnameclaim.com.

What is HNS Name Claim?

Essentially an easy way to gift names to people – without you as the person to hold the name.

What we have seen in the community is people are going in with GOOD intentions – only to later feel upset and “dissed” that the person or company they want to gift the name to doesn’t want it or doesn’t reply.

The idea here is – HNS Name Claim is the neutral party in the middle.

The Handshake director (all of us are a director once we own a token or a name) can transfer the TLD that we want to gift to HNS Name Claim (check their website for the latest instructions on how to do that) and then the receiver asks to claim it.

Why Not Just Keep It As Is And Do It Direct?

Sure, I mean you don’t have to use this new service and “middle man” – but we believe this will help reduce the awkwardness and friction of a independent HNS community member tweeting a famous influencer to give them their email address to transfer the name on Namebase.

Using the HNS Name Claim – it is a neutral intermediary that can make the influencer / company / individual feel more “safe” or trusted. And they don’t need to give their personal information to a random person on Twitter to get their name – they go through this platform.

So Start Sending Your Names In Now – and Let’s make Handshake Even Better

If you are “squatting” on names – and are not sure how to handle it – this is your answer.

Or if you had good intentions on gifting the name – but the company or person just doesn’t reply – this seems like the answer as well.

If you’re an influencer or company – and upset someone in Handshake is squatting on your name or not sure – maybe they want to gift it to you – then this is your answer.

All in all – hats off to Mark and Graham – this project is much needed.