[State of HNS Blockchain] Live Twitter Spaces Tuesday June 21, 4pm PST

HNS Open Discussion - State of the Blockchain
HNS Open Discussion - State of the Blockchain

For weeks the community has been asking for a live Twitter space, and the wait is over!

Let’s open the floor and welcome anyone with a reasonable voice to share their perspective at next week’s Live Twitter Spaces that I will be hosting.

Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Time: 4pm PST (SF time)
Location: Twitter spaces room will be made on my twitter.com/michelini profile

Discuss the various transitions of registry and registrars
Discuss various turnover and changes in leadership in the community
Discuss alliances and bringing us together in challenging times.
Answer questions, announcements

Now your turn
Do you want to speak?
Do you want to submit a question to ask?

We welcome any and all questions and suggestions for who should join us on stage
Fill out this form

Thank you!
Mike, aka skyinclude/

Question(s) you’d like addressed during the Live Session

Clients without access are any of the parts, return the shut down / transfer company days of service regarding to that?


Is to much energy being focused toward decentralized sld's.?

Using virtual private servers and dns services contributes more to the the traditional domain industry. Would this encourage more support and hosting for handshake?

Is it better to think about handshake "tlds" as one day having universal browser acceptance, and when do you think we will be at 10% browser acceptance, or 30%


is it better to think it will be innovative web3 applications, wallet metaverse - which i think Handshake seems to be far behind unstoppable and .ETH

The general public has no idea that Handshake exists and almost no major corporations have claimed their reserved names.

1) How can we get Fortune 100 companies interested in Handshake?
a) What is the sales pitch that benefits them?
b) How does the HNS community make that pitch?

2) Jack Dorsey claims to be "inventing" something exactly like HNS and calling it Web5. This is a good example of how little penetration HNS has in the Silicon Valley community.
a) How do we increase awareness of HNS now that someone with significant money and outreach connections is competing with HNS?

There will be a huge elephant in the room unless this is discussed. I'm sure many people would rather not discuss it. But was Johnny Wu's activity over the past two weeks positive or negative for Handshake and for Namebase, and what lessons can be learned from the experience?

What is Handshake, HNS?

Sorry, this is not a beginner Twitter spaces - check out my Handshake 101 video and series at skyinclude.com/start.

Also if you stick around til the end, Mike will be doing some giveaways.

Bear Markets Create Stress Tests

While I have to say, today we will address a few stressful points - I and others agree this is totally normal with an early stage, high risk / high reward system. To top that off, we are in a sharp downturn in the crypto markets putting everyone on edge.

The Namebase Employee That Went Rogue

It is high on the list, and I will address it right away. An early Namebase employee, who many of us know and loved - it is still not exactly clear to me the order of events - but is no longer with Namebase. During that time, he attempted various campaigns to make a new company or even a hard fork. Again, as we said in the previous point - bear markets cause stress tests - and HNS has survived worse. Also, this is normal when a company is taken over - transitions in the team and differences in the strategy between the old team and the new management.

“Rug Pulling” Of Domain Names Between Gateway / Namebase / Namecheap

Another top requested point - what happened with the new Namebase Registry, the transition from Gateway, and the drama for the last 3 to 6 months. We will break this down into parts and try to address and come at it from all sides.

From a listener:

I know you’re having a Twitter Space regarding Gateway etc on Tuesday - I can’t be present as I
have to travel for family issues, but we’d love for you to mention the serious issues that we have,
and have them read aloud as part of your agenda. Here is a summary for you to read out:

"Between January and April 2022 Sebastien Staub and I bought via our separate accounts at Gateway, around 150 

blockchain domains, mostly in the .C and .TOKEN extension, but including others.

This was the basis of the domain portfolio that we used to launch our new business - web3domains.auction.

Amongst these names was the iconic ICE.C which we subsequently sold to ICE.COM

Around 1 month ago, logging into Gateway, our assets were visible as a list, but clicking on the domain names produced only this message:

"namebase.io has changed the zone files for this TLD. You will need to contact support@namebase.io in regards to this domain.”

We contacted Namebase as instructed, and sent them a full list of the names that we indivudually owned. 

The reply from Namebase eventually received was:

"Unfortunately there isn't much we can do currently at Namebase. Please reach out to gateway.io support and request them to integrate their system into our new registry.”

I relayed this message from Namebase back to Gateway, and so far have received NO reply.

So everyone is passing the buck, and our digital assets seem to be in limbo, although I guess as blockchain domains, there must be a record of them somewhere right?

Our pressing problem is that we need to obtain control of the DOMAIN MANAGEMENT of these domains again.

We have NO access to them, CANNOT change the DNS, CANNOT transfer them to another registrar, and CANNOT obtain an Auth Code in case of a sale.

This is damaging our business enormously, as this portfolio contains alot of what we consider to be potentially valuable names, and right now we have had to stop marketing them.

The ideal solution would be that these names are transferred properly to our individual accounts at Namebase, so that we can regain control over them and their Domain Management.

We’d be greteful for any assistance that you can give us Mike - I understand you also have a similar problem with domains purchased via Gateway.

All this is seriously damaging the reputation of HNS, and that’s a real shame, and in the meantime Unstoppable and ENS are moving ahead.

We fully believe in the HNS ecosystem, we have invested heavily in it, purchased names in good faith, and we have based our entire new business on it, so a professional resolution is urgently needed now.”

What Domain investors Need to Know When Buying Handshake Names

With this public debate, and thee issue of many big buyers of Handshake domain names, there is doubt now on where to buy domains built with Handshake. How can a registrar better protect their customers.

HNS Community Coming Together - Uniting the Tribes

For me, it is sad to see all this division within such an early stage blockchain. While it proves we do have decentralization, it is not helping us in the path to mass adoption. Let’s try to put our differences aside, build what we are trying to build, and make the internet a better place for the creators and end users.

Choices For Mass Adoption: Use Cases

There seem to be 2 choices Handshake names can focus on - to be “website domains” or “wallet names”. Website domains are the route of the traditional web, and wallet names are the ENS/UD route. Both are big endeavors - and doing both at the same time may be challenging. Which do you think is more important / urgent?

Mike is doing a giveaway - details shared.