Unstoppable Domains vs Handshake (and now Namecheap)
The .wallet drama continues. I have a lot of information but am being asked for strategic purposes not to share - but if I was Unstoppable Domains, I would be afraid.
My tweet saying I have been asked to “keep my mouth shut”

And there is quite a bit of commentary on the Handshake community side (of course you can tell I’m on that side of the camp too - but also I don’t see much commentary from the UD family side)
So today, I want to review what commentary we are seen in Twitter and blog comments and my overall feeling as well.
Tweets mentioned on video
Paul Webb says:
"Unstoppable Domains probably thought it was picking on an easy target with its lawsuit against Gateway."
Play dumb games, win dumb prizes. The longer #StoppableDomains allows this to go on, the more #UDfam suffers.
Then again, they don't care about their customers so womp.”

ThatNsun says:
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If you're still holding or partnering up with #UnstoppableDomains - rethink and consider 'you're the baddies'. A centralized money grab, parasitic to the decentralized web.

Steven McKie says:
Who will win? Legacy DNS behemoth, or Silicon Valley VC backed over-valuated techno-garbage run by marketers?
Erwin says:
Show isn’t over:

Many on ENS domains side are also annoyed with Unstoppable Domains, as this tweet shows:
“ Unstoppable domains are about to get stopped.
Great to see.“