Handshake’s Vietnam Hackathon!
Here are the Winning Projects from the Hackathon
Winners of April 2024’s First Hackathon
So the winners are announced!
LANN mail - email winner.
To the Moon - email runner-up
OXdead - email runner up
BluesS - social media winner
TechTack - doc bundle app, consolation prize
We all know magic happens when in-person, human, interactions happen - and we are excited to say Arrene/ from Augrey has worked super hard to put this one together - next weekend!
Anne and I will be coming from Skyinclude, and I had the our team from Loadpipe join as a sponsor - and we are excited to see this come together.
There will also be some great OG Handshakers in attendance, as well as hundred+ developers from the local Vietnam community participating.
We will work on streaming some of this, and of course making some video and documentary content.
You can learn more at https://hackathonvietnam.org.
Also - the team at Skyinclude hopes to support more Handshake hackathons - and has put together this page: