Core Software Update – July 2022

Critical links mentioned in the show (From Matt Zipkin)

Calls to action:

upgrade to hsd v4.0.1:

upgrade to Bob v0.10 (coming soon)
- will clear ~15GB of disk space
- Shakedex bug fixed, all open shakedex auctions will need to be regenerated and reposted

palmreader v1.0.0 (coming soon)
- multisig & ledger

Hard Fork
- read:
- comment on proposal itself:
- discuss:
- probably more links for discussion coming soon, in particular a place for big stakehodlers / service providers to announce their opinion


hsd v4 + Bob v10
Palm Reader
Hard Fork

A community favorite - Matt Zipkin is back on the SkyInclude channel! We have a full agenda, and a 1 hour session filled with geeky tech updates on the HSD core of Handshake.

Please, if you are a domain flipper on HNS, try your best to understand the technical. I know - even I - after years in the community - I’m still not too technical - but we need to make efforts.

On top of that - please get involved in governance (your votes / input) on the hark fork and other changes in the Handshake blockchain. This is done by HIP on Github - and we did a video with Matt Zipkin on this on the channel - you can check that out at

Here’s what Matt discussed:

ShakeDex - and the reason it went offline, they are fixing a bug. Will come back online, need to use the new Bob Wallet / HSD, and functionality should be same/similar as previous ShakeDex.

Bob Wallet - will have the HIP002 - “well known wallet” (we discussed here) so you can send HNS coin to other users by sending to their HNS name instead of wallet address. Also multi lingual, and other updates in HSD 4 (see below).

HSD 4 - optimizing for size! Will save a lot of your local disk storage on this one and Matt talks about other optimization.

Hard Fork - IMPORTANT - please listen to this, the thought process, the timeframe. Seems we have quite some time for this, but we need to get the community more involved and aware.

DSLDs (decentralized SLD / domains) - squeeze in some talk on this, but save the full discussion for another day.