Difference of Handshake and YAT
In the Handshake Telegram group, we received this question:
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Dougal’s Question:
My answer:
hi Dougal, sure no prob to ask questions! Handshake is a protocol for Top Level Domain (.emoji, .name) on a blockchain. here’s a video and tutorial I made about it https://skyinclude.com/emoji-domains/
Y.at is new I have yet to study it deeply but it is a subdomain on y.at so a different use case
obviously, if you ask in a Handshake Telegram, we’d be biased.
Hope this helps!
Another user’s answer:
I don’t know how much emoji names are going for on yat, but that’s because I thought it was a stupid project after looking into it so I don’t pay it any mind. You aren’t buying a domain, you are renting a name from yat company, and they can take it from you whenever they feel like it.
A handshake name on the other hand is forever locked into the blockchain (handshake has their own blockchain) and is an actual functioning domain.
for example your yat name is just y.at/emojiemojiemoji
handshake emoji domains are like
http://❤️/ or http://shop.🌿/
Mark Smith’s Writeup
You can also check our Mark Smith’s Namer News post https://news.namebase.io/post/1856
Yat Emoji Domain is:
A subdomain on y.at/ that is a profile page
Example – https://y.at/%F0%9F%9A%80%F0%9F%8C%95
A Handshake Domain(Emoji or otherwise)
A domain extension on Handshake blockchain
Example – our “squinting eyes with tongue out” http://xn--728h/
Learn more about Yat
Learn more about Handshake
Whitepaper site – http://handshake.org
Namebase.io which is the biggest private company on top of handshake’s blockchain to register and bid.
More Research on Yat and the future Plans
After further discussions with people - it seems Yat is planning to move the emoji usernames people are buying ont a Yari blockchain.
I would love to read a white paper or further information on this - but just want to keep this post updated as I learn more.